As I have been in constant pursuit of biblical truth, in order to plant my feet on a solid foundation, a lot of light has been shed on lies in my life that I have believed. God has one by one revealed and healed.
In youth I have asked the girls to journal along with myself and the other leaders, making sure to document lies revealed as well as the truth that counter acts those lies.
Today a huge lie was brought to light. For a while now our pastor has been addressing stewardship and all that it entails. And until today I would have said hands down that I am a good steward. I always am very diligent to care for others stuff. Today I realized that when it comes to my stuff I have a different attitude. “It’s MY stuff and I will do what I WANT with MY stuff!” It’s my money, it’s my body, they’re my kids, it’s my house, my time….mine mine mine!
None of it’s mine. It all belongs to God. The question isn’t am I good with other peoples stuff? It’s am I responsible with God’s stuff or do I abuse it because I have this sense of entitlement to do as I wish with the things that are in my possession? Instead of allowing the thoughts of “it’s my stuff” dictate my actions, I need to change my thinking to, “it’s my responsibility”. It’s my responsibility to take care of these things in a way that is pleasing to God.
In order to combat this lie I have to attack it with truth.
The earth is the Lords and everything in it. The world and all it’s people belong to Him.
Psalm 24:1 (nlt)
Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19&20 (nlt)
My Facebook Marketplace Obsession {Tips To Find Treasures}
My tips for finding *beautiful* treasures on Facebook Marketplace!
If you love vintage and unique decor in your home, then the Facebook
Marketplace will ...
16 hours ago