Sunday, July 27, 2008

What once was

In my head consume my thoughts
You live in the depths,
in the dark.
You show yourself to pierce the heart.
Pain lost only for a moment
Surfacing unkown to me
Time damaging.
Slicing apart my security
my love for me
No more
It's gone with the dream
That I could forget, move on, be happy
Buried there's safety
Lies I tell myself
last not
Reality burns a hole in hope
Forgotten til it hurts
Coming back full force
with aggression worse this time
gonna wipe me out
Poision slowy killing the girl inside me
Past hurt, Futures gone
Always reminicent of what once was.

First Blog

Ok here goes this is my first blog on blog spot. Intro into my blogs. All my blogs are thoughts...... "throw up" if you will of what is going on in my heart, my head, and my life. They are personal and very honest of how i feel. It's a way to released that which needs to be released and share what needs to be shared.