Monday, October 12, 2009

May my heart never cease to break

My heart has been in a continual state of brokenness. I never want it to change.

In the last 2 years God has brought people into my life that I had never paid much attention to before. At times I did what I could to help but they were in no way a front runner of my priorities. I didn't have a heart for them, I loved them, I guess. I never thought for once that I would hurt for them, cry for them, and pray for them as passionately as I do today.

God I pray that my heart never cease to break for the lost, hurting and confused. God hear my cry and my heart, use me for your glory. May your kingdom increase as your people fight for those who have been taken captive. May we never let go of your promise and your call on our lives. May we love like you love. God, words cannot express the pains of my heart, show me how to reach the lost. Your love never ceases to amaze me. Use me God, use me!

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